Love is only a whisper. I saw this somewhere the only day and it got me to thinking. These words are so true. For instance, I never thought about having children. But when I got married, many moons ago, I knew my hubby would eventually want children. Sooner or later a little one would be part of our lives. I just never thought about how this little person was going to be intergrated into our busy lives. I had imagined when the child came it would find a place and fall into step without me having to do anything about it. Hmm…sounding like a drill sargent. On that hot Saturday afternoon when our son was born, the delivery room nurse lay him on my chest, I inhaled a soft breath when his eyes stared back at me. Then I exhaled in a whisper and fell madly in love. Now some twenty plus years later, I’m still crazy in love. As I think about it today love is so profound. It grabs you when you least expect it. I can only say, I’m so glad it did.
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Tori Hall
I read and love “love is only a whisper”.Can’t wait for whisper my name. It’s going to be good.I also purchased Seasoned just right. You are a great writer keep up the great work and thank you for writing Ir romance love stories.