


Don’t put your life in the hands of experts who know nothing of life, of salvation of life. Humans don’t have what it takes. When they die, their projects die with them.

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For so long I dwell on promises of people and found disappointment. I have learned that the only true promises kept are the ones that come from God. These are grounded in stone. Even the promises we make to ourselves sometimes do not come to fruition. Why? Life gets in the way. Hardships and battles with the inner person triumphs […]

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Trust is the the life’s blood for faith. I read this somewhere and it got me to thinking. When my only child died on his 25th birthday, I lost faith. He wasn’t sick. Or rather I didn’t know he was sick because my son told me or my husband he was hurting or sick. Many times I have asked God […]

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Many of us are afraid of the unknown, life challenges and what each day bring. Don’t be. I learned the hard way that nothing in life is promised, not today, tomorrow or the next year. Just live each day as a blessing and be thankful we are still among the living.

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We all go through many storms in our lives. Some are recurring and seem to never to end. It seems you get through one and another storm arise more fierce than the last one. But we must press through the storms until the sun shines again. Remember joy is something that is given to us. Don’t waste it. Your storm […]

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Life’s challenges can knock you down. I could choose to stay on the ground and give up. I chose to get up and stand straight with no bend in my back.  I don’t know why we suffer, lose people we love, laugh or cry but… I know there is a wind that blows, although I can’t see it. I know the birds sing, although […]

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It’s a beautiful day. The sun is shining and the birds are chirping. Life is moving along with the everything else. No matter what bumps are in the road and no matter how many mountains I need to climb, I’m thankful to see another day. Enjoy it.

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Life has so many ups and down. It’s like a wintery mix sprinkled with a tiny burst of sunshine. Wouldn’t it be lovely to have a few months of nothing but laughter, smiles and peace? A wintery mix is a mixture of snow and ice. Dealing with the snow is easy but then come the ice and it become treacherous. […]

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Whenever pain or grief interrupt your day, stand still. You may fall to your knees, but don’t let it knock you to the ground. Although the sun burst through the morning light of the day, I only saw clouds of darkness seeping through. With prayer and supplication, I pushed through the cloudy mounds of pain to the light outside. So […]

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Heartache is defined as anguish of mind. Pain is suffering of body and mind. My body, mind and spirit are in distress. I’ve suffered a devastating loss, my son, whom I loved with every fiber of my being is now gone. I wake up to the sun shining through the window, thinking, hoping it was a dream and that he was […]

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