What does life promise us? I know for certain that death is the only promise of life. I’m not being morbid but it’s just a true fact. Who doesn’t wish to live forever? I know I would love to live to be a 100 years old. I can only hope. I do know life is what you make it and sometimes not. I do believe in fate and purpose. There is no doubt in my mind that everyone was born for a purpose in this life. I don’t think we always fulfill purpose it but it’s there for us. Do we control it? I believe so but I also think we relinquish control without thinking about it. This comes from fear of the unknown or just not having will-power or guts to make something out of our life. I think of myself and the dreams I had from high school and through college. I knew what I wanted to do with my life upon college graduation but I let people and fear take it away. If someone tells a person you can’t make a living off of that or why do you want to do that with disdain in their tone, it wears you down. Your are put on the backburner but they never go away. Now years laters, I still think about my purpose and wished I had guts to fulfill them. This is only my opinion. Tell me what you think life offers or promises you. I would love for you to share.
Jacki Kelly – Author
Life offers hope, love, happiness and abundant joy. You just have to have the courage to grap it.