The other day I was sitting at my computer writing and unwarranted I thought about something that had hurt me deeply. It stunned me because the incident had happened over twenty years ago. Why did this ricochet through my thoughts now? I had forgiven the person and to this day I still have constant interaction with the individual. This person is a part of my life. I’d moved from the pain …hadn’t I? Then why did my mind bring the unpleasant episode back to my rememberance? The question baffled me. It nipped at my pysche. Ironically, as my mind continued to open the layers that led to the hurt, I realized that the pain was no longer there. There was nothing. It was as if it hadn’t happened to me but someone else. There was no tugging or pricking of the heart muscle but really a calmness an enveloped peace. It made me go… hmm. Could this really be happening? I don’t have the answer as to why the brain holds onto things you would love to forget. But I do know that forgiveness is easier than forgetting. So, here is the question. Can a person really forgive and forget a wrong that was done to them?
Jacki Kelly
When I receive a sincere apology, I forgive and over time I may even forget the little stuff. But I hold on to the big stuff – FOREVER!